Books and authorships
I'm proud to say that I wrote the UK's first books on security law and on email law. It's also a great honour to be the editor of the British Computer Society's book on data protection and one of the co-author's of the IAPP's book on European data protection law. I'm currently writing a new book on security law, which I promise will shed some new light on this topic! You can also follow my articles on Forbes.

Data Protection and Compliance
This is the second edition of my first book. It provides practical and pragmatic insights into the GDPR, how to operationalise its requirements and how to manage risk. You can get it from Amazon, or from the British Computer Society's bookshop.

European Data Protection Law and Practice
This is the IAPP's text book on European Data Protection Law, which is edited by my good friend and former partner, Eduardo Ustaran. I wrote the chapters on security and supervision and enforcement. It's available on Amazon or the IAPP's book store.